Frontpage Header Setting Errors

Hello. We just updated the Pro theme to the latest version and now the header that we had set to show for the Frontpage is not showing even though we have that as the only header set for that page…

We’ve tried to experiment and find the answers on our own, but the reasons are eluding us.

We use the shop page as the home/frontpage for this site, so that header is important but can’t see how to correct it… Is this a known bug?

The header on the url above should have a similar appearance to this category header (but with lavender):

How can we correct this to its previous appearance? Please advise.

Thank you!

Hello Michael,

Thanks for writing in! Please edit your custom header and make sure that your condition is “Front Page is being viewed” or “Page Specific is Shop”.

To learn more about the new condition and assignments for your custom header, kindly check this out:

Best Regards.

Hi. So I was happy with that answer… but when I went in to do that… when I use “Page (Specific) is” all of the pages in the site come up as options to select… except for the Shop page.

It’s obviously there, but it’s not an option in the list.

I can do the Frontpage is being viewed part, but that by itself is not triggering the header.

So… the Shop page is missing from the list to be able to do exactly what you said.

Something isn’t right in the options… seems to be a circular issue.

How do we resolve this? I can give login info for you.

Hello Michael,

In order to help you with your concern, we need to check your settings. Please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • Exact Header name and the Page name that you want to assign

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Okay. Adding info to secure note now. Thanks!

Hey Michael,

You will not use Page Specific. Use the WooCommerce Archive in the dropdown selection instead.

Best Regards.

Thank you. That seems to have fixed it.

Hello Michael,

Glad that @ruenel was able to help you. Please feel free to reach us if you have any queries regarding our theme and theme settings.


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