Cannot activate cornerstone plugin or launch desing cloud

Hello I have a fresh install of X theme when I try to install cornerstone I get:

Fatal error : Cannot redeclare cs_generate_data_attributes() (previously declared in /home/hbsj2xpzldd8/public_html/ in /home/hbsj2xpzldd8/public_html/ on line 382

I also cannot launch design cloud to install demo content.

Hello @mettricamx,

Thanks for writing to us.

It might be the issue of version compatibility issue, please make sure your WordPress, Plugin, and the PHP version are updated as per our version compatibility page. I would also suggest you need to access the file through the FTP or Cpanel wp-content/plugins/ and rename the tco-video-lock folder to tco-video-lock-test then check it. If it doesn’t work for you please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • FTP

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Thanks, provided as secure note.

Hello @mettricamx,
I tried to access your site but the given login details are not working. Please recheck and send us the correct login details. You must share the FTP details as well so that can check it properly.


Sorry, had an extra digit, fixed now via secure message.

Hello @mettricamx,

It seems that there is an issue with the PHP version, please make sure your server PHP version 7.4 or 7.4+ as per our version compatibility page. It is also recommended by WordPress as well. Please have a look at this article.

You can contact your hosting provider to upgrade the server PHP version.

Hope it helps

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