WPML translation of button link

Hi there,

I learned that to translate links with WPML I usually am able to enter http:// or https:// into the search field of the Advanced Translation Editor. But it doesn’t seem to work if the link is inside a button that was created with Cornerstone. Is there a known way on how to access that text?


Hi Christian,

Thanks for reaching out.
It is not clear what exactly you are trying to achieve here. Can you please elaborate on it a bit more? Any screenshot or video will help us to understand it.


Hi @tristup

Yes, I’ll try.

As you see on the page there is a button saying «Buy tickets». The text of the button itself was translated with the Advanced Translation Editor (lower part of the screenshot). But that button is linked to an external page. That page also has a German and an English version. So, I wanted to link to the English one from the English button. But in the editor I’m not able to find that link to set a translation.

I’m referring to that article I found:

The link should show up when I start typing https:// in the search field but it does not. I think that might have to do with the fact that it’s a Cornerstone element.


Hey Christian,

Would you mind sharing your admin credentials so that we can investigate it? Please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • Page URL in question

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Hi @marc_a

I just added a secure not to my previous reply.

Hey Christian,

I don’t see a Buy Tickets button in the pages you mentioned. Kindly post the exact URL of the page your having an is issue with. Also, please answer if this issue only happens in Pro and not with other themes. The answer to the question is important.


Hi @christian

Yes, it only happens with Pro (or Cornerstone). For other plugins it works with the instruction I sent in one of my initial postings. I will send you the link to the exact page in a secure note.

Hey @arscommunication,

The Button element URL does not get the data from ACF. You update the URL directly in Cornertone. Switch to the English flag and update the URL. You can learn more how WPML translation works with Pro here: https://theme.co/docs/wpml

Hi @christian,
thanks for pointing out and the link. I’m always a bit confused because of those different systems with WPML and Pro. I just want to avoid that the changes I make in my original language don’t show up in the editor because I manually modified the EN version of my page via Cornerstone.

But I will try the best workaround for me.


Hi Christian,

You are most welcome.

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