I recently had an issue with my site learnkeysbyben.com, which was hosted on a GoDaddy Managed WP hosting. I also run Memberpress on my site to handle my paid memberships. Memberpress and the Caching software that GoDaddy used had a conflict which slowed my site to a crawl. So I had Godaddy migrate my site to single CPU business hosting. The site runs well and is blinding fast now. However since we migrated the site to the new server, I can’t get Pro to open up the edit page function. It just sits there and the pro logo pulses. I have three other sites that had to go through the same migration and they also used Pro and they all work just fine and the Pro edit page works as well. One last thing I do use a child theme on the Learn Keys by Ben site. But do you have any idea as to how to trouble shoot this or how I can fix this issue?
Dan Olson