My website hasn’t been modified in some months. It is based on X vers 1.0.0 (Child)
Last week I clicked on some upgrade, I think just Wordpress version… and one of my plugins broke. Not able to find the exact cause, I asked to have my site restored to before I made and change.
The site looked fine in all respects, but I could no longer get to the Wordpress Console! I had Bluehost investigate and they claim it was due to the X theme and/or Cornerstone. HELP
I realize that X version 1.0.0 is very old. But I would think that it should continue to function?!
I have another site (more recent) that’s on X version 7.2.3
Here’s a question: I really don’t recall why I used a child theme version (too long ago!)… How easy is it to switch to the current X theme instead? Other than some plugins (like Revolution Slider and Contact Form 7) I don’t think there’s anything highly customized in therm of the theme…
Site in question (which is being played with at the moment by the Bluehost folks) is