Frontend Editor Will Not Load

Frontend Editor does not load. It keeps on displaying the cornerstone graphic without loading the page, I am able to edit the page in the Classic mode and it shows in preview fine.

I noticed this same problem was posted here in 2017 but the answer I saw was handled one-on-one after the customer provided information to the expert.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Hi Johnny,

Thanks for reaching out.
I have checked the website listed in your Themeco Account and found that you are using a very old version of X i.e. 3.2.5 and cornerstone version is 3.0.5. As you are using a very old version, I suggest you copy your live site to a staging server and update the X and Cornerstone by following the below steps.

  1. Delete the existing Cornerstone
  2. Update the X theme to the latest version on automatic updates
  3. After the X theme is updated, use the link in the dashboard to automatically install the Cornerstone. It will be on the latest version

And if everything goes fine in your staging, please migrate the staging server to live and try to activate the license once again.
Please remember that, as you are using a much older version, you may need to create a few pages from scratch.

NOTE: The X Shortcode plugin is already deprecated. Please deactivate before you install the latest version of X and Cornerstone.


Thank you for promptly looking into this. I will follow up and let you know if the actions you provided worked.

Hello Johnny,

Please let us know how it goes.


Where do I find Cornerstone to delete it? Is it possible for someone to help with this update on the staging server?

Hi Johnny,

It is not very clear what you mean by that Admin page is not working. I have checked that your WordPress admin login page is coming up properly. If you want to delete the Cornerstone, you can delete it from the Plugin list inside the WordPress admin dashboard.
Regarding the license, you can use the same key in the staging too.


Sorry if I am confusing matters. My knowledge on Word Press and themes and plug-ins are not my strongest skill set.

I am working with a wordpress developing team and they are posing the following questions:

  1. The Cornerstone plugin is not present in the plugin list; we’ve confirmed this.
  2. Is it possible to utilize the production key on a staging site?
  3. Admin pages cease to function when the X theme is activated on the staging site.

Hey Johnny,

  • If the Cornerstone plugin is not installed, you can easily install it by clicking the click here to install and activate it in your WordPress admin.
  • Yes, you can use your production license code in your staging area. Just log in to your Themeco account then click the license code and click the add staging.

  • We are unsure about this issue, it would be best if they could share more information.

Hope that helps.

If we can give you website access for the staging, would you be able to look into it?

Hey Johnny,

Yes, it would be best if you could provide your staging credentials and staging FTP access. To do that, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • FTP Access

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Thanks for your reply and attention to this problem. I just sent you a secure message on my last question, via your instructions.

Hi Johnny,

I have checked and found the WordPress admin login URL is wrong, still, we can log in with the default login URL. It seems that you are using a very old version of X i.e. 3.2.5. As you are using a very old version, I suggest you copy your live site to a staging server and update the X and install the Cornerstone by following the below steps.

  1. Delete the existing Cornerstone
  2. Update the X theme to the latest version on automatic updates
  3. After the X theme is updated, use the link in the dashboard to automatically install the Cornerstone. It will be on the latest version

And if everything goes fine in your staging, please migrate the staging server to live and try to activate the license once again.
Please remember that, as you are using a much older version, you may need to create a few pages from scratch.

NOTE: The X- SHortcode plugin is now deprecated, and please uninstall it before you do the above steps.

Hope it helps.

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