Upgrading cornerstone changes URLS

When I upgrade my site https://vinevilla.wpengine.com/ to the newest X theme and Cornerstone, it changes the URLS of my site to the old live site that we took down. Find and replace plugins wont work. Please assist


Thanks for writing to us.

Please have a look at these articles to learn more about how to update the URL.

Hope it helps

Its cornerstone that is changing the URLs.

None of those solutions work for me

If I revert back to the old cornerstone the URLs are correct. Its only when updating Cornerstone that does this

If i look at the HTML “edit with wordpress” the Urls are correct. but in cornerstone and published they are incorrect. How can this be possible?

I can manually replace each one in cornsertone but that will take forever,

Hello John,

Can you please provide us a sample URL, a screenshot or a video screencast so that we will have an idea of which URL and into what URL has changed into. We would also love if we can log in to your site. You can create a secure note in your next reply with the following info:
– Link to your site
– WP login URL
– WP username
– WP password
– WP Administrator Role
– Confirmation that we can access and make changes to your site

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works


Thank you for your understanding.

I added the login info as a secure note. LMK what you find.

Did you have any Luck?

Hello John,

What is the URL example from the old site? At the moment, I am seeing this as your post:

With the updated X theme and Cornerstone, the URL of the post still the same:

May be it would be helpful if you provide us some screenshots or example URLS.

Thank you.

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