Columns not stretching to fill space vertically

I’m having an issue with my columns not responsively stretching to match the tallest column in the row. I have the main row layout setting set to vertical stretch, but it does not make a difference. I was thinking that it was because I have a nested row and two columns within each column in the main row, but I’m not sure why? It would be great to know if there’s a solution for this issue!

Hello @m_kraft,

Thanks for writing to us.

To help you with your concerns we need to check your settings, I would request please share the admin login details meanwhile I would suggest you troubleshoot a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings. Please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password
  • Exact URL

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Okay, thanks. I added the note.

Hi @m_kraft,

You need to use some JavaScript which will adjust the height based on a taller one. I would suggest you go through the following thread, which may help you.

Please remember that the above code will work if copied as it is and doesn’t conflict with any existing style.

Please note that the code provided serves only as a guide to help you get started custom coding on your own if there’s no option offered in our theme or the products we bundle.

We really do not provide support for custom codes which means we can’t fix it in case it conflicts with something on your site nor will we enhance it. On further customization should be directed to a third-party developer or you can avail of One, where we answer the questions beyond normal theme support.

Hope it helps.

Thanks for the advice. The JavaScript was a bit complex and not giving me the exact results I wanted, so I ended up using this css on the inner columns of my layout:
display: grid;
grid-auto-flow: column;
grid-auto-rows: 1fr;

Hey @m_kraft,

It is good to know that you have figured out a way to resolved your issue.


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