I have updated a website and I am receiving the following fatal error:
Fatal error: Cannot declare class Cornerstone_Shortcode_Preserver, because the name is already in use in /home/domain/public_html/wp-content/themes/pro/cornerstone/includes/classes/classic/utility/class-shortcode-preserver.php on line 8
I have restored my website for now, but how can I resolve this?
I am already using PHP 7.4 (that was my first guess).
This did not occur on my staging website, which is a carbon copy of the live site and on the same server. It only happened after I pushed those updates live. Any idea why this might be the case?
I’ve seen previously you recommended manually updating Pro via the Theme upload. I don’t really want to do these updates on a live site unless I know this will definitely fix it.
I have about 20 client sites who will need to update to this new version of Pro or X. Should I wait for a more stable release? I can’t afford for this to occur every time.
Any help greatly received. Thanks got you support, which is always great.