Cornerstone not loading after forcing CAS redirect on our site


We’re having issues with the X theme and using Cornerstone after we set up Authorizer to redirect all pages on our site to a CAS login portal. Basically, once this is enabled, the Cornerstone editor just won’t load any pages and almost freezes up.

I reached out first to Authorizer’s support team to see if they knew anything about this and they got back to me with the following:

It seems likely that Cornerstone uses the WP REST API, which Authorizer will restrict access to if configured to allow only logged in users to see the site.

It’s possible that Cornerstone is not providing authentication details in its calls to the REST API; we fielded a request with another plugin that had a similar issue:

Since Cornerstone isn’t open source like this plugin, we are unable to troubleshoot further. I suggest reaching out to their support to see if they can check the REST API details and whether the issue is similar to the thread above. If needed, we can try to help further if a development copy of Cornerstone is provided to us for testing.

Do you know anything about this and if it’s possible to help us troubleshoot what’s going on here? Thanks so much.


There’s a handful of places where we use a Nonce in the request in a non standard way. We can add the proper headers so this plugin can work properly in a later release. Can you confirm that you are able to view the document list? It’s this area here. If not I might need to see your site after we release the change as to what is going on. Have a great weekend.

Yes, I’m able to view the document list. Just when the conflict seems to be happening, I’m unable to load any pages. I click something from the Documents sidebar and it just says “Loading” with a blank screen.

Hey George,

We would love to check your site. You can create a secure note in your next reply with the following info:
– Link to your site
– WP login URL
– WP username
– WP password
– WP Administrator Role
– Confirmation that we can access and make changes to your site

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works


Best Regards.

Thanks so much for your help. Will follow up in a day or two with the info.

If it’s worth anything in the meantime, I actually did notice that if I refresh the entire page when I’m stuck on the blank loading screen for a specific page of the site, it’ll load that page, but then won’t load the documents on the left. Almost like it has a reversed effect. But I can’t make many changes to the page without getting this error:

Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 9.50.44 PM

Hello George,

Please share the admin login details in the secure note if it doesn’t work for you.


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