Revolution Slider duplicated

Hi. Revolution slider is showing twice on my homepage, above and below the masthead. In my page settings, I have only activated it to show below the masthead.

My website is

Hello @Gatera,

Thanks for writing to us.

It seems that you have set multiple sliders for your page. To disable the slider from the page—>Click on the Edit button—>Scroll down to the page settings—>“Slider Settings: Above Masthead / Slider Settings: Below Masthead”—>Slider—>Select the Deactivated from here. Please select the “Deactivated” from the select box to disable the slider as per your design.

If it doesn’t work for you, please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Hi @prakash_s,

Please note that your solution isn’t working.
You can find my login details in the secure note.


Hello @Gatera,

Thanks for sharing the credentials. I went ahead and checked your site. It seems that you have set one slider from the page setting that is “Slider: Settings Below Masthead”.

The second slider that is coming before the header menu. It seems that is coming from the child theme. If you deactivate the child theme and activate the parent theme then the slider will be removed from the header top.

Please have a look at the screenshot after parent theme activation only one slider is there on your page.

Please note that we don’t provide the support of the customized child theme. It is out of the support scope.

Thanks for understanding

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