Excerpt Missing Cornerstone 2.1.4


I have looked on the support forums and cannot find an answer for this. I have the current version but cannot get excerpts to work on my blog since the update. Is there something I am missing please.



Hey Matt,

Please give us more details on what you mean by:

Does that mean it doesn’t display? Or, is it not complete?

I checked my test site to see if there’s a bug but there’s no problem with it. If you’re using Cornerstone for your post, it is best to use the manual excerpt feature of WordPress so you don’t get random text for your excerpt like this:

To enable Manual Excerpt, open the Screen Options when you’re in the post editor and check the Excerpt box.

The Excerpt field will then be available for your post.

And, it will show up in your blog page.

Also try testing for a plugin conflict. You can do this by deactivating all third party plugins, and seeing if the problem remains. If it’s fixed, you’ll know a plugin caused the problem, and you can narrow down which one by reactivating them one at a time.

And, if you have custom scripts, functions and templates, please remove them all to see if they affect the excerpt.


Hi @christian_y

Thank you for your reply and detailed response, I apologise for the short support query. Yes it was more to do with automated excerpts not appearing when using cornerstone. My confusion came when I had created two posts which had automatic excerpts generated. I don’t get the random excerpts like you describe but I am happy with the manual excerpts for now.

Many thanks for your detailed response though.



We are glad that your problem was solved!

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