Desktop sections appearing on Mobile


I’ve selected the mobile icons for the sections of the homepage I want in mobile, and the other options I want to appear on a larger screen, but while this works on desktop EVERYTHING is appearing on mobile. It’s really frustrating as I need different layouts for both.


Hi @Yell2997.

Thanks for reaching out.

Can you give us a scenario on your website that is is appearing on the mobile. On the other hand, you may check this docs on how to properly use the hide/show content by devices.

If it doesn’t help, please give us the following information in a Secure Note so that we can examine your website.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.


Thank you for your quick response. I read through the guidelines and yep I was selecting the different breakpoints. However, having tried again it’s still not working.

I have included a secure note - I am trying to edit the homepage and as you will see different sections I have selected to hide on mobile or desktop, but it isn’t working for mobile


Hello @Yell2997,

It seems that the breaking point is working fine but due to your custom CSS on in the Page-specific CSS box your section in not hiding in mobile devices.

Your Page-specific custom CSS

Theme option CSS



Thank you for diagnosing, I have no idea why it’s like that! What code would I need to put in to change it so it hides? I don’t know CSS. Thank you

Hello @Yell2997,

You don’t need to add any CSS for it because the breakpoint settings are working for you to hide and show on the different breakpoint. I would suggest you remove the highlighted code from your page CSS option then check it again.


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