Footer Breaking on Mobile

I’m not sure why this is happening, but my footer is breaking on mobile. The responsive size preview in Cornerstone implies it would work fine, but the when viewed on iPhone it doesn’t work correctly. Please advise. is the site.

I assume this is also part of the issue with the weird, jumpy scrolling, but if it’s not I can start a new thread about that.

Hello @kjroelke,

Thanks for writing to us.

I checked your site footer on my iPhone 7+ and it seems that it is working fine at my end. It might be the issue of the browser cache at your end. I would suggest you please clear your browser cache or check it in the private mode of the browser.


I tried that and the issue still persists.

I’m using an iPhone XS and iOS 15.5.

Hello @KJRoelke,

Please install Chrome or Brave browser in your iPhone. You can then compare how the site looks using Safari and the Chrome/Brave browser. I have a hunch that this only affects the latest Safari browser which was pushed with the iOS15 version.

Please let us know then and send us some screenshots.

The issue persists.

Chrome for iOS, version 102.0.5005.87

Hello @kjroelke,

I checked your site on the Chrome browser and it is working fine at my end. I would suggest you please check in the private mode of the browser.
IOS version: 14.8.1
Chrome Version : 102.0.5005.87


The problem persists.

Hey KJ,

I see the issue on my iPhone and the cause of the issue is the Flex Basis of the 2nd Container of the 2nd Footer Bar set to 18rem.


Please set it to auto or choose 1 of the options like Standard, No Shrink, Fill Space or Fill Space Equally.

If that doesn’t help still, please provide the following information in a Secure Note so we could check that setting.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.



Goodness that was frustrating. Thanks for you help getting that sorted.

Hey @KJRoelke,

You are most welcome. We are glad that @Christian were able to help you out.
Feel free to create another thread if need any other assistance.

Best Regards.

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