Pro WooCommerce Single Page Edit

Hi I am trying to edit the layout of the WooCommerce Single Page as attached.
I can not seem to be able to edit the current content/structure, please can you advise how I would do this?


Hello Steve,

Thanks for writing to us.

Please make sure you have assigned the layout to the WooCommerce single product. In case you have assigned the Layout and you are still not able to edit it then we need to check your settings, please share the admin login details meanwhile I would suggest you troubleshoot a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings. Please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password
  • Exact product URL and Layout URL

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Hi Steve,

Unfortunately, the given credentials are not working. Can you please check and send it once again? Please remember that there is an ongoing issue with the Layout creation and assignment, which has been already fixed in the upcoming release.


Hi I have updated the secure note with new login details. I didnt know there was an issue with Layout. Any idea how long before that is released? Thanks

Hey @Tapper65,

Please be advised that the Layout Builder is not a tool that you use to edit the current product layout. The Layout Builder actually allows you to create your own single product layout instead. Please check out my video demo on how you can start creating a Woo Single product layout.

  • See the secure note below
    (You may need to wait while Youtube is rendering the HD version of the video)

Best Regards.

That’s great I will look into that more, thanks

Hi @Tapper65,

You are most welcome.

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