ConvertPlus not showing?


I’m setting up ConvertPlus for modal popup. But even when I try smart launch or manual display it’s still not showing. What did i do wrong?


Hi @lphphuchungle,

Thank you for writing in, but the ConvertPlus Modal shows fine on my end (

Try using the incognito/private mode of your browser, maybe it’s the Modal’s cookie settings.

How to use the Cookie Settings in ConvertPlus

If the issue persists, please provide us login credentials on a “Secure Note” so we can take a closer look.


Thanks, it worked out. But when I try to delete ConvertPlus, it still remain some kind of code on my site (pic below)

How can I fix this?

Hey @lphphuchungle,

To better assist you with your issue please get back to us with the URL/User/Pass of your WordPress dashboard using the Secure Note functionality of the post so we can take a closer look.


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