I have searched thru forums for as to why I cannot access the header and footer to change and remove …

Using PRO and when I go to change info in header (remove social share button) and footer (change copyright info) I am taken to Cornerstone,
however nothing is there. Cornerstone appears to be active in Plugins, however it is accessible in the main tree.
I have deactivated plugins and get the same results. Nothing looks like the screen shots shown in docs.

I paid $49.00 for additional support only to be told that support is provided here. What is the $49 for additional support? I have 4 individual licenses for X, one of which is PRO.
Please advise.

Hello Gary,

Thanks for writing to us.

In case you are using the Pro theme custom Header/Footer then you need to edit the information of the Header or Footer through the Header/Footer builder.

In case you are not using the Pro theme custom Header/Footer then you need to edit the information from the Theme options. If it doesn’t work for you we need to check your settings so I would request you please share your admin login details. Please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts

Support is included for 12 months from the time of purchase (6 months for purchases at ThemeForest or CodeCanyon).In order to get the theme support you would need to renew the support.

Hope it helps

Hi Gary,

I have checked the Cornerstone > Settings and found that all the settings are disabled, I have enabled the options and now the Theme Options are coming in Cornerstone.


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