Content Not Displaying?

All pages displaying correctly, except the “About-Us” page which comes up as blank page with with only the header and footer!

This is absolutely frustrating I know the content is the and should be showing up but noting is showing, I can not even edit it with PRO it just comes up “How would you like to start?”

Any Suggestions on how to fix this would be great!

Hi @TerraCana,

Thanks for reaching out!

We’re sorry that you’re experiencing this kind of issue but your issue is unique. Would you mind sharing your credentials so that we can check and confirm? To do that, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Hi @TerraCana,

Thanks for providing all the details!

Regretfully, the about us page was modified or edited outside the cornerstone builder that’s why the content is gone. Please note that, if you edit the content outside the editor then it will not be editable anymore in the builder and vice versa. I suggest if you have a backup of your website, upload it to your staging area and save and download the template of your about page. After downloading the template, upload it to your live website and save the template to your about page. Worsts case scenario, If you don’t have any backup, you need to redo your about page from scratch.


Hope that helps.

Thank you.

No this does not help! I have tried restoring the backup of the database in one month increments for an entire year plus 1.5 years! Which did not resolve the issue with the page not displaying!

I do have verification that the page was working on Oct 27, 2020
My closest backup to that time range is Oct 25, 2020 Which I restored and Yet does not fix the issue, |

Further investigation into this the contents of the page are available in the database but your corner stone page build refuses to read or parse the data as it should.

I want a solution that does not involve me spending hours trying to decipher shortcode even if it involves having to modify something directly in the database it self!

Hello @TerraCana,

The given credentials no longer work for us. Please have them updated so we can log in and investigate the issue further.

Thank you.

Access has been restored with the credentials provided

Hello @TerraCana,

I have logged in and I found out that you have two “About Us” pages.

You need to delete the first About Us page and edit the Draft page instead. In your WordPress dashboard, simply go to Pages > All Pages to find all the pages you have created.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

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