Modern Events Plugin - Not Updating

Hello, I am getting an error when I try to run the update for the Modern Event Calendar plugin. I’m currently on version 6.3.0 and am unable to update to version 6.5.1.

This website:


Hello @ranchhouse,

Thanks for writing to us.

I would suggest you please purge all the cache if you are using any cache and site optimization plugin then temporarily deactivate the cache plugin after that you can update the plugin. In case it doesn’t work for you, I would suggest you temporarily deactivate the Modern Events Calendar and then update it.

In case you have installed the Modern Events Calendar plugin from our bundled plugins, please note the currently supported version of the Modern Events Calendar plugin is 6.4.6 /6.4.5.

Our developers are still doing incompatibility and conflict testing with the latest plugin release.

In case you are not able to update it to the 6.4.6 /6.4.5 version, we need to check your settings. I would request you please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Hello, the plugin came bundled with the theme. I provided the login details. If you could take a look to see if their is a conflict with the latest release, i would appreciate it! There is a note that says ‘Automatic Updates not Enabled.’

Hello @ranchhouse,

Thanks for sharing the login details, I went ahead and deactivated the Modern Events Calendar and then updated it to 6.4.6. Please have a look at your site plugin list


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