Remove margin around row

Hi there

is it possible to remove the margin left and right from a row within a column?

Thank you very much for your help!

Kind regards,

Hello Felix,

Thanks for writing to us.

In order to remove the gap of the Row I would suggest you go to the Row —>Layout—>Gap width and set it as 0

Untitled-Archive-Archive-Layout-Cornerstone (6)

If it doesn’t work for you, please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
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Hi Prakash

Thank you very much for your reply. I already tryed to set the gap width to 0 but this doesn’t help.

Maybe I am just trying to acheive a certain result the wrong way. I would like to apply the effect “fade in” to a column with a backround image when scroling to this image. But the image should appear on a background color, which is already there. So I have placed the row with the background image in a already existing row with a background color. But then, the row with the backround image always has a margin left and right.

Is there a other way to apply a fade-in effect to a background image on scroll, but already showing a background color instead of the image before?

Thank you very much for your help!

Kind regards,

Hi Felix,

Unfortunately, there is no option to add any effect to the Background Image, but you can use the Effect Module to apply the animation or effect to the parent element.
I would suggest you go through the following article on the effect module.

Hope it helps.

Hi Tristup

Thank you very much for your reply! Sorry for the confusion, yes that is what I meant. I have applyed the scroll effect with the Effect Module to the row, in which the background image is.

Everything works fine, exactly as I want it, but the row with the background image within the first row has a margin left and right, which I can’t remove.

To clearify my issue, see the 2nd image on this site:

The background image appears with the scroll effect on top of a grey row below, exactly as I wanted it to be. But it has a margin left and right, where you can see the grey from the row below. It shoult have the same size, as the grey row.

Thanks again for your help!

Kind regards,

Hi Felix,

I have checked the given URL and found that you have added an Inner Row inside the Column, and set the Background Image to the Inner Row. I would suggest you uncheck the Global Container option from Inner Row to resolve the problem you are having. It will set the background image in full.

image - 2023-03-23T195929.871

Hope it helps.

Hi Tristup

Sorry to bother you again. I have already tryed to uncheck the global container. Strangely then the margin gets even bigger:

I don’t know what to do…

Thanks again for looking into this.

Kind regards,

Hi Felix,

In that case, we need to check the setting made in the Page Builder in the WordPress admin dashboard. I would request you, please provide login credentials for your site in a secure note to examine it further, including:

– WordPress Site URL & Login URL
– WordPress Admin username/password

To create a secure note, click the key icon underneath any of your posts.


Hi tristup

Thank you very much for your help!

Here are the login informations:

Hello @fbrugger,

Once you disabled the Global Container, you will have to set a width and maximum width.

Hope this helps.

Hi Ruenel

That’s great! Thank you very much for your exceptional support!

Kind regards,

That’s nothing. I’m glad we were able to solve your problem today.

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