How to simply copy content from a page to another?

Hello there,

I need to merge the content of two pages, which contain elements as varied as a slideshow, an image gallery, text in different style formats etc.

I tried to use the Template tool, but the function seems to be assigned per page and not for the whole site.

I also tried to bypass Cornestone and copy WordPress content, strangely, it doubles the destination page’s content without displaying the one I copied.

Could anyone put me on the path ?

Many thanks,

Julian, from OrTra

Hello Julian,

Thanks for writing to us.

I would suggest you please go to the page and select the section that you want to copy and then expert those sections as a template. I would suggest you please have a look at this video to learn more about how to export the page content template.

If it doesn’t work for you please share the marking screenshot for the page sections which your want to export to the different page, please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password
  • Exact page URL

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


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