Header Conditions not working

I’ve been trying to set conditions for my headers, I have two. One for the Home and Contact page and one for all others. After setting the conditions to specific pages no header appears on any page.

If I set the header conditions to All Singular Pages a header does appear.

I’m getting the correct header on Home page on mobile but not desktop.

I am using Cloudflare but had it on Dev mode and purged the cache.

Still no changes…please help!

Sorry I forgot to give the domain: https://bluestack.media

I only seem to encounter issues when the condition for the Header is set to Page (Specific) and then any page on the site, and it doesn’t matter what I set the priority to.

Hello @bluestack,

Thanks for writing to us.

It might be a plugin conflict issue or any plugin CSS or custom CSS that is overriding the styling because of that it stoping rendering the custom header. I would suggest you troubleshoot with a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings.

  1. Testing for Plugin Conflict
  2. CSS/JS Customization
  3. Version Compatibility
  4. Disabling Cache
  5. Child Theme

If none of these work for you, please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • Please let us the name of the Header that you want to set on the specific page

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts



I’ve sorted it now.

Feel a bit of a noob! I was setting the header condition to Front Page and Post (Specific) as opposed to or Page (Specific).

I did go through my CSS and delete a whole pile of stuff that wasn’t doing anything so this process wasn’t a total waste.

Hi @bluestack,

Glad to hear you got it worked out! Thanks for letting us know.

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