Dynamic Content error since updating to latest Pro


I use the code for dynamic content (to pull custom fields from different posts) in entries in a gravity form, which I then display on my site using gravity view.

I embed the gravity view shortcode in a cornerstone element.

It creates a simple manual calendar for me.

Since the update, the dynamic text is no longer populating the related fields like it used to. The date is the only field pulling through. Im not sure how to fix it. Your help is appreciated.

I forgot to add that it displays correctly when I am editing in cornerstone. Just not on the front end.


Hello Sophie,

Thanks for writing in! The dynamic shortcode when placed inside Cornerstone should get rendered and work. I would love to check your layout and the element settings. May be I can replicate the issue on my local install as well. You can create a secure note in your next reply with the following info:
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To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works


Best Regards.

OK thanks…

The url in question is here: https://mysteryschool-memberscircle.com/membership/calendar/

Hi Sophie,

I have checked the Calendar page and added {{dc:post:title post=“37725”}} dynamic content tag and found it is working fine in the front end too. Can you please check once and let us know if that is working? If it is not working, please let us know the steps to replicate the issue.


Hi yes DC is working - but not when the DN code is being pulled through gravity view. It used to - but now it is not…

Hi Sophie,

It is not clear in which situation the Dynamic Content tag is not working, can you please explain the steps to replicate it?


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