Somebody, Anybody, Please HELP

I’ve purchased this theme and trying to get a demo installed for the past 10 hours. I’m becoming frustrated and regretting ever purchasing. I’ve viewed multiple forum topics old and new, none of which have solved the problem. I can no longer use Design Cloud, after clicking launch, I get a grey background. I could never find the Demo’s only assets that will allow me to install portions of things in a site. I need help! I upgraded to pro, only to see in a post that the basic X can import the demos. I followed those instructions to go back to X, and since then have not been able to use Design Cloud.

Hey Richard,

We’re sorry that you’re having a hard time using the Design Cloud and thank you for viewing other forum topics.

Please provide the following information in a Secure Note

  1. What Design Cloud demo are you trying to install?
  2. WordPress Login URL
  3. Admin username and password
  4. FTP credentials (if you’re not familiar, please get this from your web host)

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.


Thanks Christian for responding, I sent the secure note

Hey Richard,

The WordPress credentials are not working and the FTP credentials opens an empty folder. Please provide access to the folder where you installed WordPress.


I just deleted everything, including Wordpress. Reinstalled Wordpress, uploaded X, Activated and now its working. I now have 69 assests including the Demo templates (Site Templates). After I get the site up, do I then upload to Pro?

Hey Richard,

Glad to hear that. Yes, you can change your theme to Pro after. You can learn how here:

Hope that helps.

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