Performance issue while buinding a page (and in the front-end too)

I’m building a homepage for a website that has some loopers and animations running, but nothing too crazy (I think). Still I’m having some issues with slow responsiveness of the builder overall, laggy page scrolling, sttuters, etc.

I think my hardware is good enough to run Cornerstone (i7 10750H + 2060 + 32 RAM) and usually I don’t have this kind of issues, but now it’s really slowing down my work time.

Here’s the dev link:


Thanks for reaching out!

For optimal assistance, it would be highly beneficial if you could provide us with a video demonstrating the issue you are experiencing. Additionally, it would be helpful if you could grant us temporary access to your website’s admin credentials so that we can thoroughly test and analyze the problem. By doing so, we can offer more accurate guidance and effectively address the issue at hand.

Please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Here’s a link for the video example:

You can see that the scroll is really buggy overall, selecting elements is laggy, as its updates. On the front end, animations aren’t smooth at all.

I’ve attached login credentials in the secure note of my first message.


Regretfully we cannot check the site because the given credentials do not work. Please double-check it so we can log in.

Thank you.

I’ve updated the secure note with a new password


I see your WP_MEMORY_LIMIT is 40M. Try increasing your memory limit to 512M and test again. Here’s how to increase the memory limit

I tried to set “define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘512M’);” but it’s still laggy, I even tried to set it to 1024M, but no good :confused:


Your login credentials no longer work. Pro works fast in popular web hosts so there must be a PHP configuration limitation in your current web host. Please sign up for a free trial in popular hosts like Siteground or WP Engine and copy your site over there. If your site performs well, copy the PHP configuration over to your current host.


I’ve updated the credentials, I don’t know why they didn’t work anymore. I was already in Siteground when the issue started, but I was running out of inodes in my plan, I thought this could be the problem, so I’ve migrated everything to Hostinger, where it still behave the same. I have plenty of websites running Pro in both Siteground and Hostinger now, and they work fine, I think that there’s something else wrong, because I never had this issue before.


Yes, there could be another culprit that trigger the performance issue you’ve experiencing but when I tried to edit the homepage(copy), it is just smooth on my end. That being said, would you mind sharing the video indicating the issue on your end?

Thank you.

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