Slider inside a slide - Navigation


I am trying to create a slider inside a slide and this makes up some trouble when doing the navigation of the “inner”-slider.

I am aware that I can use the custom attribution data-x-slide-goto=x to go to number x slide. However, this is not the case with a slider that is inside slide.

How do I setup navigation for a slider that is inside a slide?

I hope my question makes sense.

Thanks :smiley:

Hey Matthias,

Thanks for reaching out!

Would you mind sharing your admin credentials so that we can check your setup? To do that, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • URL of the page where the slider is located

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Hi @marc_a

Thanks - Secure Note added :+1:

Hello Mathias,

When using a slider inside a slide, you will need to insert a data-x-slide-context custom attribute to your Slider Container so that the Navigation in the Slider will work. And also shorten your transitions.

Kindly check out the sample slider in the secure note.


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