Lost custom fonts after upgrade to Theme X 10.0.2

Hi there. I’ve upgraded my staging site to Theme X 10.0.2 and Cornerstone 7.0.2 and it appears that all of my custom fonts were lost. Can I give you admin access to my staging site so you can compare it to my live site (which is currently still running X 9.1.4) to see why I lost the custom fonts?

Hey Michael,

Yes, please provide live and staging access in a Secure Note so we can compare the sites.


Done! Please check all places that custom CSS could be. I know I’ve had work on this site done by different people and there may be CSS about fonts in different places.

Lost my custom fonts when I upgraded one of my sites as well. Reverted to a site backup. Is this a common error? Scared to upgrade my 30+ X theme sites if this is the case.

@mmash34 It looks like it’s just your font weight that is off on some elements. We will make sure that migration is running properly. Just to double check was there any other custom fonts besides the “heading” and “Body copy”?

@istoriaagency Can you check you have lost custom fonts or just the font weight is off in the options section?

Just for clarification, custom fonts are here. Fonts selected in “Options” are just wp_options.


Thanks. I got it close, but how do I make it so when I bold my headings it defaults to the font Raleway Black? Please compare the two sites again to see what I mean.

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There is an issue with google font weights that will be fixed in 6.0.3. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

Good to hear. I was going to confirm it is my font weights. Thanks!

You’re welcome, Istoria.

It looks like updating to 6.0.3 fixed this issue. My fonts are appearing the way they’re supposed to. Thanks!

Actually, I don’t know if this is a big deal or not, but the Raleway Black Font (I think that’s Raleway Extra Bold - 900) doesn’t render live when you’re editing on Cornerstone. The issue is fixed on the front end though it appears. Just not while editing live.

Hey Michael,

When the page is already loaded in the builder and have just assigned a font like the Raleway Extra Bold - 900 into one of the elements, it may not display automatically in the preview especially if the font is not loaded. You can try to click “Save” to save your changes and then reload the builder by refreshing the page.

Hope this helps.

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