Off Canvas Content

Hi, is there a way that I can reload the off canvas content upon closing an off canvas.

WHY: I have videos embedded and if someone does not pause the video (which some people won’t) the audio will continue when they close the OC, obviously creating a bad UX!

Thanks for your help

Hello @wolfproductions,

Thanks for writing to us.

In order to pause the video on close I would suggest you go to the video element—>customize —>add this Custom Attribute in the Video element to stop the video from playing when you close.


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Thankyou Prakash, I am not actually using a video element in this case, the content within the OC is a shortcode, showing a YouTube feed: [youtube-feed feed=1] via the Smash Balloon plugin.

Hi @wolfproductions,

I would suggest you use the Video element as suggested by my colleague and check if that is working or not. If that is only happening with the shortcode, please contact the Plugin Author on this. Please remember that we don’t offer any support related to the 3rd Party plugin.


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