Multi Conditional Global Block


I want to rotate a global block on my header using conditions.

I tryied using the same block with multiple conditions as showed below, but it doesnt work.

i had to split all of them using just one time frame.

Is it posible to do it on just on multi condition? maybe lets say

monday through friday from 8 am to 10 am, and saturdays from 10 am to 11 am?

thanks in advanced.


I am no expert, but I think you might need to add an OR condition between each pair of after and before sets.

Something like this:

dynamic content AFTER 04:00:01 AND
dynamic content BEFORE 05:25:59
dynamic content AFTER 14:00:01 AND
dynamic content BEFORE 14:59:59
and so on…

Hope this helps.


I tryied that, but did not work.

Hey @rvence,

Would you mind sharing the exact time frame of each global block you want to rotate? @renecueva_gmail suggestion is correct but we need to check your settings properly. It would be best if you could share with us your credentials so that we can check your backend settings. To do that, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password
  • Page URL or Layout Builder Name

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.


basically i have it working but I had to create one block for each time instead of using the OR and AND logic.

But I´ll like to have for example

Global Block Boletin
monday through Friday from 5:30 am to 6 am and Saturdays 5 am to 6 am.

Global Block Musica xxx get all joined together in just one block.

Hey Raul,

I’ve tested the Time AND OR condition and it works. I don’t see the setup on your site though. Would you mind telling us where we can find that global block setup. Provide the page URL and what section the global blocks are in.



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