Thanks for the confirmation and the effort up to here. I can’t believe this affects just me, as these two plugins are very popular. Would it make sense to rebuild the entire site? This is the first Pro-Project and there are many more to follow - and I want a working workflow.
What I also noticed is that no matter how I create a layout for a single page and assign … when I want to build a new page based on it - there is no preview area and I can’t add or change any content.
I went through the dodumentation step-by-step and watched all the YouTube videos and I can’t create a layout.
Currently I have made myself normal single page pages which I call 1-O Page Template for example. If I then create a new page I insert my RAW content (Load Template) and replace everything for the page - texts images , etc.
This has the disadvantage that if I change the 1-= Page Template I have to make the change to the other pages as well.
With layout I assumed that I can save that. I thought I can make the following workflow:
1- Create a new layout with the fixed elements that should appear on each page based on it.
2- I go to PLUS via Content and make a new page. Here the layout content is already there.
3. i add more content depending on the page. Save
4. Finished and can be piblished - next Page
My Workflow:


then I ad an Image an a Text
Then I save an and the condition

to create a new page based on that test I change to content and make a new page

and the result is:

I cant do anything - but he changes all of my existing pages till I delete the created Layout.
What am I doing wrong?
I went through the dodumentation step-by-step and watched all the YouTube videos and I can’t create a layout.