Issue with old content showing up as the excerpt on our search pages

I noticed the wrong content was being output on our search pages for one of the pages describing an individual on our team. The page content was fine so it was coming from a plugin. I fixed the incorrect text content in the plugin but the search result excerpt for this individual’s page remains the same, and is of an entirely different person. I believe the reason for this is because the individual is a newer addition to our team, so the older individual’s page was duplicated to be used as a template. However, even though I changed all the data and content, the old content is being used as the search result excerpt. Because the page describes individuals on our team including their name and contact data, I don’t want to post it publicly. Any ideas how to help out?

The page was created with an excerpt, but there is no way to get at the excerpt. There’s no “Manual Excerpt” option provided in the page settings.

Hello @agorder,

Thanks for writing to us.

Please note there is no option to add Excerpt text in the page since WordPress doesn’t provide an excerpt text option of the Page. In case you are using the custom post type for the “Our Team”, in that case, please make sure you have not disabled the excerpt option for the custom post type.

In case you are using the page builder then you need to click on the settings icon—> Manual Excerpt.


If it doesn’t work for you please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Thanks, I ended up using the Code Snippets plugin to allow for Pages to accept an excerpt. It’s bizarre to me that this is not offered in WordPress by default. What’s even weirder is that someone else on our team created the page by cloning a previous page, and that’s how the excerpt got applied (with seemingly no way to change it!). If excerpts are not allowed on Pages, then why did that page have one to start with? It’s all very strange and one of those moments where you almost prefer authoring your own HTML.

Hi @agorder,

Glad that you are able to find a solution to add the excerpt to the pages. I would also suggest you go through the following thread which helps you on this.


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