Looping text marquee

I’m trying to set up a text headline that scrolls continuously across the page automatically. I’ve tried to set this up using the Slide container and have got it so far but it doesn’t repeat enough and doesn’t seem to fill the page.

It’s on a draft page here

Can you help me refine it?

Hey @Lorenmn,

Thanks for reaching out!

We cannot see the draft page because we don’t have any access to your website. That being said, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

I’ve added a secure note to my original post.


Hello @Lorenmn,

Please be advised that this is not what the Slider element is intended for. If you want to fill the whole page, you can duplicate the slides instead. The more slides with the same text, the more width it covers the page.

Hope this helps.

Hi @ruenel,
I’ve added a few more slides and it now works. However, on mobile, each of the text elements now wraps. How can I keep them in one line? OR should I just create different versions specifically for different view windows?

Hi @Lorenmn,

Yes, I would suggest you create a different version of slider for smaller version of screen.


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