Have filters gone from the portfolio?

This is a pro site using Integrity

I found a similar issue and tried this code but I still don’t see the filters. Is there anything i can do please.

if (window.jQuery.xIsotope) window.jQuery.xIsotope.settings.animationEngine = ‘css’;

Hello @lisacole1,

Thanks for writing to us.

I checked your given page URL it seems that you have not set up the Portfolio filter, please have a look at the documentation to learn more about how to set up the Portfolio filter.

If it doesn’t work for you we need to check your settings I would request you please share the admin login details. I would also suggest you troubleshoot a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings. If it doesn’t work for you please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Thank you, I think I have set it up ok, it is just not showing. Also, everything has moved around and the new layout is really confusing!

Hello @lisacole1,

Sorry for the confusion it seems that you are using a custom Header on the Portfolio page Just because the Portfolio filter is not displaying, I would suggest you please render the default Header on the Portfolio archive page to render the portfolio filters.


thank you, but won’t that look a bit weird with the rest of the site using a different header?

Hey @lisacole1,

I agree. However, there’s no other way to display the filters.

I’d recommend you use the Essential Grid plugin to display your portfolio instead. See https://theme.co/docs/essential-grid


thanks, I would have set them up as posts if I’d known the filter didn’t work any more
never mind, thank you for taking the time to reply

You are most welcome @lisacole1

Hi - Essential grid tells me I need to activate the plugin to get the templates. have you any guidance on that please

So I bought a licence and now it looks a million times worse and the filter doesn’t work either.
Can you help me with a link to documentation or do you know why it has the green and white background? Thank you

Hi @lisacole1,

I have checked the page and it seems that the Green color is set to the page by using the Theme Options > Layout and Design > Background Color. And the white color is set through the default CSS of the stack you are set through the Theme Options > Stack. I would suggest you select any of the Page Template with No Container from Settings and set the color of the section as you want.

Hope it helps.

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