How to display tags on posts and in archive

On the previous theme I was using, I’d added the tags under each blog post. When I swapped over to Pro, these were still visible, but styled differently and I loved it! However, when I created my own archive/blog template in Cornerstone, they disappeared.

With the previous theme, I’d added the get_the_tags(); call to single.php. Do I need to add this again somewhere?

Hello @faile486,

Thanks for writing to us.

To display the Tag you need to follow these steps.

  1. Add the element Terms element

Untitled-Archive-Layout-Archive-Layout-Cornerstone (1)

  1. Click on the List Items
    Untitled-Archive-Layout-Archive-Layout-Cornerstone (2)

  2. Set the Looper Provider as Current Posts Terms and Taxonomy as Tag

4. Edit the styling as per your design.

Hope it helps

Thank you so much! This allowed me to display the tags, but I’m having some issues with styling now.

I’m applying interaction effects to specific parts of the post on the archive page, but it’s applying them to the entire post rather than just the part I’m interacting with.

For example, I’m changing the post title color on mouseover. If I hover over any part of the post - the margins, excerpt, or tags the title color changes.

I also want a mouseover effect on the individual tag that’s being interacted with, but instead, it’s activating every tag when any part of the post is hovered over.

Hello @faile486,

In case you want to set the hover color I would suggest you please set the hover color from the element settings. You need to set the hover color from the Element settings —>Color—>Interaction.

About-The-Tests-Page-Cornerstone (2)

If it doesn’t work for you, please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password
  • Exact page URL

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


Yes, I’ve been able to set the hover color. The issue isn’t setting the color, it’s that it applies the effect when hovering over elements that it shouldn’t. The interaction is firing when any part of the article is hovered over - not when a specific element is interacted with.

Another question: When I have the twentysixteen theme activated the excerpts on my blog page look significantly different (understandable). Most is just theming that I didn’t want (hence the switch to Pro!) but I would like the excerpt/post part to be more similar. I’m including a screenshot with sensitive info removed.

In the top one, it includes the entire post, with formatting, minus the comments section. Is there a way to do this with Pro? Even just the first two lines with line breaks would be nice. I’ve figured out a workaround by adding an excerpt manually and including < br /> for line breaks, but I’d rather not have to do that. The excerpt is kinda useless as-is, though.

Hi Kendra,

By withdrawing the post, I believe you already have resolved the issue. If the issue still existed, you can let us know.


All of the above issues still exist. The withdrawn post contained an issue with pagination, which I was able to resolve.

I have fixed the tags issue, however the last issue (excerpts) remains.

Looks like I forgot the screenshot above. The top is what I’d like the excerpt to look like - with formatting, showing the entire post. All of my posts are tiny, so showing the whole thing isn’t an issue.

The bottom has the correct styling, but I’d prefer the formatting not be stripped out.

Hello Kendra,

Instead of displaying the post excerpt using the {{dc:post:excerpt}} dynamic content code, you can use this one {{dc:post:the_content}} which will display the post content since as you mentioned you only have little content.

Kindly let us know how it goes.

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