Assigned Header Menu does not show up

Hi there,

on our page we have 3 differente Header menus - one for the corporate part of the page and one each for a digital magazine.
They all have Conditions to tell them where to show up. That works perfectly fine for the headers “ONSKINERY_Header Button” and “BrandMag FS23 NEW”. But for the latest one “BrandMag HW23” it does not work.

What I want:

  • the header “BrandMag HW23” to show up on all the pages that have the Parent page “Home - BrandMag - HW23” as well as on the page “Home - BrandMag-HW23” itself

What I have done:

  • the header “BrandMag HW23” has these two conditions: Parent is Home - BrandMag - HW23 or Page (specific) is Home - BrandMag - HW23
  • the default header “ONSKINERY_Header Button” has these conditions: Parent is not Home - BrandMag - HW23 or Page (specific) is not Home - BrandMag - HW23

That is the way I had done it for the “Header BrandMag FS23 NEW” about 6 months ago and it worked great.

What is happening now:

  • the header “BrandMag HW23” does not show up anywhere
  • where I want the “BrandMag HW23” header, the default header “ONSKINERY_Header Button” is shown

Can you please help?


Hey Lisa,

You haven’t mentioned the Priority of those headers.

In my test, the header that has the IS Condition must be the same level (same Priority number) or prioritized (lower number) for it to work.

If the header with IS NOT Condition is prioritized, it will take over the header with IS

If that’s already been done, there might be other factors at play so we need to go in your site and investigate. But before that, please kindly do the following so we rule out factors outside of Pro.

  1. Deactivate all 3rd party plugins
  2. If you’re using a child theme, switch to the parent theme

Once done, please provide the following info in a Secure Note

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.


Hi Christian,

thanks for the super quick help! I did not know about the Priority - Thank you, it works great now!


Glad to hear that, Lisa.

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