Header is not showing frontend

Hi, I have created a header using cornerstone. But it is not showing on the frontend.

Hello @larspl,

Thanks for writing to us.

Please make sure you have assigned the Header. To assign the Header you need to click on the Settings —>Assignment—>Condition

mainheader-Header-Builder-Pro (4)

In case if it doesn’t work for you, please send your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


I tried everything. I shared login details with you in secure notes and waiting for the solution. Thank you

Not trying to hijack the thread, but as I search help topics I am finding a lot of responses like, “send us your login credentials,” and then the thread dies. I appreciate the addition of the post information from @prakash_s here, and am wondering if there is a way that the support staff can add the solutions even in circumstances where they are granted access? It does not do much good to have a support forum otherwise. Many of the threads end with, “Login credentials sent.”


Hi @larspl,

I have checked your site and found that the Priority of the Header is set to 20, I went ahead and set it to 0 and now the header is showing in the Front End.



Thank you so much for your reply. Unfortunately, I am still getting the default header. From the backend I am able to see new header but in the frontend, It is not showing. Please check the screenshot.

Hi @larspl,

This is very weird, I deactivated all the plugins and found the Header to start working. I would suggest you please activate the plugins one by one and check if the issue is back. Please mark the specific plugin for which the issue comes back.


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