Navigation arrows

Hello, I’m trying to add arrows to my carousel. Each slide in my carousel is of different width. I want to navigate each slide using arrows and i’ve added the navigation. But navigation is not stopping at the end of each slide. If the second slide is of lesser width than the previous one, it is also coming into the site, which i don’t want.

I want my navigation arrows to show single slide at once. Could you please help me in this. Thanks

Hi @Bloc_Digital1,

Thanks for reaching out.
If you are using the Classic Slider, you can find the option for Navigation. Please find the screenshot describing that.

Hope it helps.

Thanks for your reply. But i’m using Slider revolution plugin. I’ve added the carousel using this plugin. So if you could guide me in this that would be great @tristup.

Hi @Bloc_Digital1,

Would you mind sharing your credential so that we can check your setup? To do that, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

I can’t see the secure note button bottom of my posts

Hi @Bloc_Digital1,

You can find the Navigation Options in the Slider Settings as shown in the given screenshot. You need to select the Arrowd and enable the Arrow Type to get the arrows with the Carousel,

If you are not able to find those settings, please share your credentials. You can add the secure note to your previous comment too.


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