Change HTML based on ACF Data

I want to set the background layer of a grid cell to be either a video or an image based on an ACF radio selector. I have it set up now that in ACF you can select image or video and then you get a field to input an image or a video URL. I also have it setup where the background of a cell can accept either of those items, but what I cannot figure out is how to change the html code inside of that cell background field to be one or the other based on that radio selection.

I tried duplicating cells and conditionally hiding the other, but it seems that the looper still sees the hidden cell so the correct data is not going to the correct cells.


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Hello, I dont think that you would need the login to answer this functionality question? I cannot give login details to a live site.


If I am not wrong, you want to decide the background option image or video based on the selection of the ACF radio selector. That is not possible to set any condition to the background at this moment, but you can try by adding two different grid cells with image and video backgrounds and setting the condition to those cells based on the ACF data.

Hope it helps.

Ok thanks, that works in some cases, but will quickly become overly complicated if there are more than 1-2. Can you please add this to a feature request?


I will surely check that with our development team and if possible will add this as a feature request.


Thanks, this is how I was able to “work around” the issue for now. I set a custom background and used this code.

<img class="galleryimage" src="{{dc:looper:field key="image"}}" onerror="'none'"/>

<video height="100%" width="100%" autoplay loop muted><source src="{{dc:looper:field key="video"}}"onerror="'none'"/>

No problem, @ZEBRADOG.
We are also glad that you were able to create a workaround for your issue.


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