This Cornerstone license is not validated


Just purchased 6 months of direct support as suggested by the support but I still can’t update cornerstone?

Hey @JohnyBeGood,

Thanks for writing in! Please go to your Themeco account and check the assigned URL o on the license. You may be having a location issue:

Make sure that the X theme is installed and active. If nothing is working, please provide us with your WP credentials so we can check your site. You can create a secure note in your next reply with the following info:
– Link to your site
– WP login URL
– WP username
– WP password
– WP Administrator Role
– Confirmation that we can access and make changes to your site

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works


Best Regards.


The URL did not change and is the same.
Please see the secured note.

Hey Johnny,

The WP credentials is not working for us.

  • See the secure note below.


Ok, try the new password.

Hey Johnny,

I was able to log in and check your site. To get the issue resolved, you can do the following:
1.) Go to the Plugins section and deactivate the Cornerstone plugin.
2.) Delete the old version Cornerstone plugin.
3.) Go to Appearance > Themes and activate the latest X theme.
4.) When you see a prompt to install and activate the bundled Cornerstone plugin, click that link to install and activate the plugin.

After the updates with the steps above, you may need to clear all your caching plugins:

Best Regards.

Awesome, it works!
I assume you already did the above steps?

Great news!
Remember that before you update the WP core files, you may update the theme and the plugins first.

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Thank you very much for fixing this!
I will definitely remember to update the theme/plugins first. Most likley the licence did not work.

Hey Johnny,

You are most welcome. If you encounter an issue with the license again, feel free to check out the documentation again;


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