we’ve had our website shellysbookkeeping.com.au using X theme integrity stack for a number of years now.
currently running the following versions
X 10.6.2
Cornerstone 7.6.2
WP 6.7.2
The web page is very static no new plugins installed for years.
Only the occasional blog post is published
There have been a quite a number of X and cornerstone updates applied over time.
we’ve just noticed that the block post page no longer displays our blog posts.
Other pages that have blogs showing via a sidebar do display blog posts correctly, just not the main blog page.
I’ve also tested disabling all plugins and reactivated one by one.
Blog posts appear until i reenable cornerstone then the page once again breaks like below
As the cornerstone editor and underlying building blocks have undergone a number of improvements and new features to eliminate legacy posts as a cause, i created a couple of simple test blogs and published them.
These also do not show up on the blog page
I suspect that there has been some underlying update to the Intergrity stack that has changed the previous behaviors but i am unsure what.
are you able to investigate and advise please.
kind regards