Under Construction and Custom Footer

I use the Under Constrction plugin as I often do to work on the page before it is published.

For this I use a custom page that does not contain a header or footer. On the actual page I use custom header and footer. As long as you are logged in, so far so good.

However, when I give the customer the option to log in to the Under Construction page using a password, the custom footer is missing and only the default footer of the respective stack is displayed!

I noticed this missing footer only with version 6 and also in the last version of pro 6.1.5!

Hello @Regnalf,

Thanks for writing to us.

In order to help you with your concerns we need to check your settings I would request you, please share the admin login details meanwhile I would suggest you troubleshoot a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings. Please share your details in a secure note. Please provide the following details

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin-level username and password
  • Exact page URL

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts


It’s a very fresh page with very few plugins. I don’t think that even one of them should interfere with the footer.

This is the footer while logged in (as admin):

This is the footer when entering the site over the “under construction” page via uc-password:

Update: I have this issue on another site too, so the issue is not related to a specific site!

Hello @Regnalf,

Thanks for writing in! I believe that this is a bug. I will report this to our developers for further investigation.

Please bear with us.

Thanks for the clarification.

You are most welcome @Regnalf

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