Cornerstone updated version issue

Hi there,

Recently, i updated cornerstone installed in my website with the newest version (5.1.4). After that, the cornerstone in my page doesn’t load or i can’t access the cornerstone in my page. Can you help me with what should i do? since, the last time i use cornerstone was in early 2019, might get missed something update here.

Looking forward for your reply :slight_smile:

Hi @widyamuktiwaskito,

Thanks for reaching out!

There could be a plugin or custom code that affects your page not to load.

I recommend the following troubleshooting procedures before we investigate the settings.


Only if none of that helps, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Hi @marc_a ,
Thanks for your reply.
Since i get many changes that i get many trouble from updating it, i’m afraid to do any changes right now :sweat_smile:

So, maybe could i jump into ask you to check out my WordPress and check it out?

Please, check it out, because if i want to use cornerstone, it always appear like this

Hi @widyamuktiwaskito,

Thank you for providing the credentials. I checked your setup and I see you’ve updated Cornerstone but didn’t update X . Always make sure to update both X and Cornerstone to their latest versions to avoid incompatibility issues and potential errors. You can find the latest version numbers here: ( Then you can compare them to what’s installed on your site. If you find anything to be out of date, you can review our update guide.

After doing the updates, always remember to clear all caches (if you are using WP Rocket, WP SuperCache or W3 Total Cache) when updating so that the code from the latest release is always in use. This will help you to avoid any potential errors.

Let us know how this goes!

I already updated the X theme to 8.1.5 version, but the child theme doesn’t follow the update, why?

The active theme still version 1.0.0

While the parent theme is already updated version 8.1.5

Hi @widyamuktiwaskito,

It might be due to the improper up-gradation of the Cornerstone plugin. It seems that you have already updated the theme to its latest version i.e 8.1.5 whereas the Cornerstone is still in 5.1.4 version. I would recommend you update the Cornerstone to the latest one by following the below steps.

  1. Delete the Cornerstone existing one
  2. After deletion of the Cornerstone, please use the link in the dashboard to automatically install the Cornerstone.

If that does not resolve the issue, I would suggest you troubleshot a few common issues on this.

1.Plugin Conflict
2.Child Theme Related issue
3.Theme Update related issue
4.CSS/JS Customization

If you discover that an issue is coming from a custom code or 3rd party plugin, kindly consult with a developer or contact the plugin author. Please note that we do not provide support for custom codes and 3rd party plugins.
If none of the above helps and you are still getting the issue, please provide login credentials for your site in a secure note to examine it further, including:

– WordPress Site URL & Login URL
– WordPress Admin username/password

To create a secure note, click the key icon underneath any of your posts.


I already update the cornerstone to 5.1.5 version but it still freeze when i want to use it. Maybe you can check it?
I laready share my login credentials in the message before, can you check the secure note?

Can i get the older version of x theme and cornerstone? X theme version 5.1.1 and cornerstone version 2.0.6? Thanks before

Hi @widyamuktiwaskito,

I’ve checked your site and it looks like there’s an issue with your HTTPS configuration. If you open the browser developer tools you can see this error in the console:

Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to construct 'Worker': Script at '' cannot be accessed from origin ''.
    at i (

The worker script gets loaded from the app script. Notice how one of them is http instead of https? This could mean that you have a system that is trying to automatically rewrite http to https instead of it being saved as the WordPress site URL.

Luckily when I install the Really Simple SSL plugin it did the trick and solve your issue. You can now edit any of your page without any loading issue.

Hope that helps.

Thank you.

Hi @marc_a,

Thanks for your help. But, i don’t understand, why i still get freeze when trying to load cornerstone? Am i missing something? I already clear cache though

Also, i can’t post because of the notification said that the response is not a valid JSON response. Why is that?

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Hello @widyamuktiwaskito,

We already updated everything and the issue still occurs. This is somehow related to your WP installation and not from the theme. Please check out this article instead:

Best Regards.

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