Raw Content display in frontend

Hi there, i have implemented a Booking Form via raw content. Somehow in my frontend it is not showing by default, instead you manually have to lad the contend. Is there a way to fix this?

Hey Moritz,

Thanks for reaching out!

Would you mind sharing you admin credentials so that we can check on your setup? Please note that we don’t support any 3rd party integration, we just to check if there’s something we can do on our end.

Please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Hello Moritz,

It seems that you have not given administrator privilege to this user account that you have shared with us. Please recheck and share the admin permission to the shared user account.



im sorry you are admin now.

Hi Moritz,

I have checked your website but didn’t find the issue you described here. I have checked the Booking page and found that the Calendly form is working fine. I would suggest you check once and let us know the exact page URL where you are having this issue for further investigation.


I’m sorry this is the correct url:

Hello @Moritz,

You are trying to embed an iframe into one of your pages. You have this code:

<!-- Motion embed begin -->
<iframe src="https://app.usemotion.com/meet/raphael/meeting" title="Motion Booking Page" width="100%" height="840px" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<!-- Motion embed end -->

Regretfully this is beyond the control of the Classic Raw Content element. Even if you use the new Raw Content element, it will still be the same because the Borlabs Cookie - Cookie Opt-in plugin, prevents the iframe code from displaying right away. The plugin handles the iframe code and prompts the user first before you can view the contents of the iframe. Temporarily deactivate this plugin and you will see that the iframe will display right upon the page is loaded.

Best Regards.

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