Hi there, I’m repasting my forum question below because I didn’t have a chance to reply to your recommendations and have a remaining question.
I’ve been trying to set up a unique “blog” experience for a specific audience on our page: Pacify.com/library, and am having some trouble finessing the format. Please see a few questions below:
-Is there a way to change the vertical height of the Magazine Post containers? I’ve created multiple sections that populate with specific categories/tags - they look good when there are a lot of posts in that category, but awkward when there are only 2-3, spreading posts vertically with lots of white space (image below). I’ve tried changing the Max Height of the Main post/figure/featured image, but the container doesn’t change so the articles on the right stay spread out. I’d like them to simply stack and the image/main post to shrink.
In your response, you asked what I meant by vertical height. I mean the height of the featured article box in the screenshot included. As I mentioned, there is a lot of white space between the “more posts” to the right of the featured post. I would like to either remove that white space so the titles stack more closely and any white space is left below the articles, or reduce the height of the featured posts so the “more posts” aren’t so spread out creating the white space. Please let me know if that makes sense.
Thank you for your other responses to my questions, sounds like my only option for the customization I’m seeking is to upgrade to Pro. I understand when I upgrade I will lose Cornerstone - will I still be able to edit the pages I’ve previously built on Cornerstone in the same way (I’ve built the whole site using Cornerstone).