Breadcrumbs not showing right category

Hi guys,

I have a website with 1 custom post type and classic post to write articles.

On the classic post (articles) archive page and layout page, the breadcrumbs is showing the name “omni” which is the name of a custom post instead of displaying the article category.

Could you please check what’s wrong ?

Best regards,

Hello Giovani,

Thanks for writing in! We want to check your custom post-type settings and the breadcrumb as well. Please provide is with your WP details. You can create a secure note in your next reply with the following info:
– Link to your site
– WP login URL
– WP username
– WP password
– WP Administrator Role
– Confirmation that we can access and make changes to your site

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works


Best Regards.

Ok, juste made an admin account especially for you.

Hello Giovanni,

By default, the custom post type name will be displayed in the breadcrumb. It means that the archive page “Actualites” is a category archive of the “Omni” custom post type. If you want to modify the display of the breadcrumbs, please check out this old thread as your reference to know how you can proceed with your modifications:

Be advised that custom coding is beyond the scope of our support under our Support Policy. If you are unfamiliar with code and resolving potential conflicts, you may select our One service for further assistance.

Best Regards.

Hi Ruenel,

I think you didn’t get my point.

I do have 2 post types:
1 The first being the classic post/articles made by default in Wordpress.
2 The second being a CPT with custom fields called Guide.

Under the CPT Guide, there are categories like “Matériel Médical” and one post called “Omni”.

Under the Article post, there are categories like “Actualités” and posts " Avancements d’Handisites".

Why when I go in the ARTICLE “Avancements d’Handisites” I do see Omni in the breadcrumb ??? Omni is NOT a custom post type or a category.

Omni is just a post of a CPT called Guide that has nothing to see with the Article posts created by default in WP.

I know custom coding is beyond the scope of support, but this problem looks like a Pro Themeco related issue. Please have a closer look because under the CPT made with ACF, I literally have no issue.

Best regards.

Hello Giovanni,

If you go to Settings > Reading, you have not assigned a Post Page yet.

This means that you do not have a blog index. If you create a page and assign it as your blog index, your breadcrumb for a single post will become Accueil > {Page title of the Blog Index (or Post Page) } > v.1.0.2. I do not see any Omni post by the way. I do see the Omni page which is a draft mode.

With regards to the Guide custom post type, it is displaying as expected by the way.

To get rid of the Omni in the breadcrumb when viewing an article, set a page that will serve as your blog index or Posts Page first. See the steps #3 - 3 on this page:


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