Unable to verify the theme, creates a critical error on the website

Hi Team, I have not had a response to this message sent to you through the customer service channel on themeforest .net.

Please review.

The theme caused a critical error and I reached out via live chat for support.

Due to your lack of help, I have had to opt for Elementor instead.

My item is broken, malfunctioning or not as described

When the support team delayed on the live chat I tried to ask my host company for help and I sent them these screenshots, which I still have so you can see them.

I reached this step:

When I clicked “verify”, I got this result:

The theme or plugin (whichever was causing the problem) actually produced a fatal error:

The support team from my host had to change the themes for me, which restored the website but it wasn’t appearing correctly:

I had to rebuild the website using a different theme.

My original message was through live chat on May 3rd around 7 pm, telling you I was getting an error verifying the website.

I closed the live chat after about 1 hour waiting for a response.

While I was waiting I followed these steps:

None of it solve the issue.

After asking my hosting support for any additional help and ideas, he said that there was nothing that he could determine would be causing the issue.

Besides your live chat on May 3rd, I also reached out via your customer service via Themeforest. No answer.

2 weeks have gone by. Please have somebody look into this.

Hey Daniel,

Thanks for reaching out!

If you purchased the theme in ThemeForest, we highly suggest you reach out to them because they are the ones who handle the refund. You can check this article.

Please note that some of the images you’ve posted are broken.

Hope that helps.


The support documentation says that you guys handle any issues where the product is not working.

You can click on the images and they will open, even if they’re not displaying. They’re dropbox links that populate as images.

Hey Daniel,

Upon checking the website, it is up and running. It is also using elementor builder. With that said, I am unsure of your current issue. Would you mind sharing more information? but if you concern is about getting a refund, you can check the link I posted above.

Thank you.

Yes, the website is working because I had to switch to Elementor. The X Theme did not work. I’m requesting a refund.

Themeforest (Envato) asked me to contact you about a refund.

The link you sent me says:

“* A refund request will be sent either to the item’s author or the Envato Help Team for review. All refund requests for items not on ThemeForest or CodeCanyon are sent directly to Envato.”

Also, please view: https://themeforest.net/page/customer_refund_policy

"Item is “not as described” or the item doesn’t work the way it should.

If an item doesn’t work the way it should then the author is required to promptly fix the issue by updating the item. An item is “not as described” if it is materially different from the item description or preview. If the issue can’t be fixed or it turns out that the item is “not as described” then you would be entitled to a refund from the author."

Hey Daniel,

Our X theme works out of the box, there could be something wrong with how you set it up. Since you bought the product in ThemeForest, they are the ones who handle the refund. Please reach out to them.

Thank you.

Third example. It says on the screenshot during the refund request:
“Your refund request will be sent to the author for review. They may get in touch with you to discuss details of the request.”

This has been 2 weeks that I’ve been waiting on the thread for a response from your team.

I did not do the set up. I attempted to verify the license on a previously existing set up and I received an error. I followed the troubleshooting recommended online and it didn’t work.

I sent your team a message through live chat and waited for an hour with no response.

Hey Daniel,

We do not have live chat support. We only have this Support Forum and the ONE service. If you can provide WP details to your site, I might be able to check it and help you out.

You can create a secure note in your next reply with the following info:
– Link to your site
– WP login URL
– WP username
– WP password
– WP Administrator Role
– Confirmation that we can access and make changes to your site

To know how to create a secure note, please check this out: How The Forum Works


Thank you in advance.

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