Issues with Content Dock


After updating to the latest X version, my content dock doesn’t seem proper.

See it live here:

Any workarounds for this?screenshot.301

Hi @serhatugur,

Thanks for reaching out!

This kind of issue is commonly related to caching. Please clear all your caching plugins and server-side or CDN caching features. Make sure to clear it and not just deactivate it.

I also advise that you clear your X style cache by going to Cornerstone > Settings then locate the system tab and hit the clear style cache button.

Only if none of that helps, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Hello, clearing all cache and style cache didn’t work.

Please try to log in with these details. It might give you a cookie error in the first place but you’d be most likely be already logged in. So please visit /wp-admin/index.php after login.

Hi @serhatugur,

Unfortunately, /wp-admin/index.php shows the 404 error. Can you please check once and let us know once it is accessible.


Hello, here you can access here. Note that I’ve disabled all caching plugins.

Hello @serhatugur,

You are using the discontinued version of Content Dock (X - Content Dock 1.1.4). Please go to your Plugins section. Deactivate and delete the X - Content Dock plugin. You will then go to X > Validation and install the new Content Dock plugin version 2.0.6

Kindly let us know how it goes.

1 Like

Thanks, it worked!

No problem. Customers are our first priority.

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