The link towards the bottom is supposed to be #0089a7 before hover, but it’s showing up as the hover colors right off the bat. Any idea why and how to fix?
Hey Jesse,
Thanks for reaching out!
Upon checking the source code of your request consultation button, there is an upper inline CSS code that is overriding the default background button color. That being said, we need to check your backend setting properly so that we can investigate the issue, please give us the following information in a Secure Note.
- WordPress Login URL
- Admin level username and password
You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.
Thank you.
secure note added to my previous post
Hi Jesse,
I have checked and found that you have a section with the ID contact and the Button has the link with the #contact which is referring to that section. So while you are scrolling down to that Button, you have already passed that section and that is why the Button got activated.
How can we turn that off?
Hey Jesse,
I believe that this is a conflict with the One Page Navigation anchors. In the meantime, you just have to force the background color of your Button to blue by adding an inline CSS:
$el.x-anchor.x-currently-active {
background-color: #0089a7 !important;
Hope this helps.
That doesn’t appear to have worked
Hi Jesse,
I have checked the Request a Consultation button and it seems that the code provided by my colleague Runel is working.
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