Header Assignment Home / All other pages

Hi, I have created two headers. One to use only on the home page and another to assign to all other pages. I am having a hard time getting it to assign correctly. Is there any info that may help me get this set up properly?

Hey @3HExapaT,

Thanks for reaching out!

Please check the condition below to assign your header to the homepage and the entire page.

Assigning to homepage:


Assigning to the entire page except for the homepage:


You may also check this article on how the conditions work on the header and footer builder.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for the quick help on this. I was able to get the interior pages working, but not the home page. Any thoughts on what could be going on with it?



Hey @3HExapaT,

Upon checking your homepage, I can see the header content in the DOM, the reason why it is not showing because you’ve added a condition to hide it on a specific browser width, please disable that functionality.

You can also refer to this article.

Hope that helps.

That helped somewhat. I’m almost there. It is now showing the header I have set up for the rest of the site on the home page as well. The home page header isn’t showing anywhere.
I do have two Bars in use for each header. One for desktop and one for mobile. I’m turning them off and on for different responsive breaks.

Hey @3HExapaT,

To investigate further your header assignment, would you mind sharing your credentials? Please give us the following information in a Secure Note.

  • WordPress Login URL
  • Admin level username and password

You can find the Secure Note button at the bottom of your posts.

Thank you.

Thanks for checking into this for me! Just added the credentials.

Hey @3HExapaT,

Upon checking and investigating your header assignment issue, I found out that you are using the OR condition in displaying the entire page header. This is what I am talking about:


And base on my previous screenshot, the condition must be AND.


Please update them with the correct settings.

Hope that helps.

This did it! Thank you!

You are most welcome @3HExapaT

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